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Get proven, currently-thriving marketing tools that turn tire-kickers into new patients.

Know you're doing it right

Make more money.
Grow your practice.
Trust your system.

You didn't go to medical school to get really good at marketing, and you shouldn't have to figure it out alone.

We bridge the gap between DPC providers and the patients and businesses that need them. We've spent years helping DPC practices grow. We've already made all of the mistakes, identified exactly what not to do, and gotten crystal clear about what creates wins for DPC practices.

Take advantage of our experience. We'll give you all of the tools and training you need to market your practice effectively without wasting money.

We'll equip and empower you to grow your patient memberships with both everyday consumers, and employer groups.

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Winning employer groups is easier than you thought.

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Streamline your marketing, attract more patients.

Training & coaching

Training and coaching

Get training and coaching videos every month that help you better market your practice and grow your memberships.

Employer groups

Employer groups and consumers.

Meet your ideal clients right where they are. Get a full suite of tools that save you time and make you look good.

Monthly content

New content every month

Each month you’ll get plug-and-play resources and content to help you make an impact with your audience.

Build a valuable brand.

1. Awareness

Be recognized, known, and trusted. With GOOSE you can deliver a clear and compelling message to your ideal patients.

Get their attention.

2. VAlue

Educate and add value for an audience with a problem you can solve.

Their terms, not yours.

3. Tailor

Tailor your message to meet them right where they are. Step into their world and build value. With GOOSE, you can adapt on the fly.

More than tire-kickers

4. Interest

Be ready when their interest peaks. Have plenty of success stories in your arsenal that help them see what a better way looks like.

Bring 'em in.

5. Invite

Invite them into a healthcare experience that actually meets their needs. Whether it's everyday consumers or employer groups, you're their guide for finding a better way.

Here for the long-haul.

6. Retain

"Oh, you can do that?" Answer that question before it's even asked - and do it over and over again. Stay in front of your patients - whether they're in the clinic or not.

Lead the Way

Be the hero for your clinic and care for your people.

You shouldn’t have to worry about becoming an amateur graphic designer or how in the world you’ll ever get a business owner to actually green-light DPC for their company. You should be focused on your patients just like you wanted to when you started your practice.

Take the lead with GOOSE.

Let's Go!

We’ve got a spot with your name on it.

Oct 1


Email blast

How to love your healthcare.

Sales Funnel


Check-up post


Check-up post


Check-up post

Immersive Portal

Ready-to-go marketing at your fingertips.

An intuitive portal designed to help you grow your practice and build your brand. No more figuring it out on your own and hoping it works. We got you. A full suite of tools that will save you time and make you look good.

New Monthly Content

Fresh content every single month.

Find and grow your audience with a message that stops the scroll and meets them right where they are. On-demand social media, email, testimonial content and more.

Employer Groups

Kick those doors open.

Get a seat a the table and get the deal done. Get the training, tools, and know-how to build value with employer groups on their terms. They'll be reaching for their credit cards with butterflies in their tummies, you just show them where to sign.

Marketing Assets

All you have to do is hit send.

Market-ready materials written, designed, and created by marketing professionals that know the direct care industry. Get the right message in front of your ideal customers with zero heavy-lifting on your part.


Shorten the curve and do more, faster.

On-demand video training that equips you to optimize every resource at your fingertips. Get clear, simple, step-by-step systems gaining employer group business. Learn how to overcome the objections, and attract and convert new patients.

Success Stories

Leverage the 'wins' like a boss.

Who's a better ambassador than a happy patient? That's right - nobody. Get a library of ready-to-go patient and employer success stories that'll do the selling for you.

Immersive Portal:  ready-to-go marketing at your fingertips.Monthly Content:  Fresh content eery single month.Employer Groups:  sell your services to employer groups.Marketing Assets:  proven marketing framework for your clinic.Training:  training, coaching, & guidance.Success Stories:  a library of DPC wins.
Immersive Portal:  ready-to-go marketing at your fingertips.Monthly Content:  Fresh content eery single month.Employer Groups:  sell your services to employer groups.Marketing Assets:  proven marketing framework for your clinic.Training:  training, coaching, & guidance.Success Stories:  a library of DPC wins.
"I wanted to work with employer groups, but wasn't sure how to get it in the door or close the deal. Now I can open doors, navigate conversations correctly, and build valuable partnerships with employers that last."

Dr. Terry Rimmer, DPC of Oklahoma